Sunday, July 7, 2013


Be very careful when helping other people with their doll plans. Be very, very careful. Otherwise you might end up wanting everything you're recommending to them...

Yesterday my friend was doing some casual planning with Oasisdoll's Naomi and I decided to chip in with some shops for wigs, clothes, etc. and stumbled upon Kaleido, the Taobao store I bought Lenny's wig from. Let's see what they have in stock!

I think I'm probably going to end up buying the wig on the right for Lenny. She does need a new one after all, and her birthday's in September...

These dresses are so cute! I think I'm going to have to add either one of them into my order. Gosh I don't know... Kaleido has such excellent styling with their products, it's so difficult to say no to anything they have in store. It doesn't help that they seem to follow a gyaru/aomoji style with their wigs and clothes (one of their BJD dresses is modeled after the one spo cat dress!) which makes things even harder for me! I hope my cousin gets her Taobao order set up soon so I save a little on shipping costs... (ノ)´∀`(ヾ)

❤ mura


Anonymous said...

Looks like a gorgeous shop! Luckily they only have SD sized clothes, and my biggest doll is a YoSD, so I'm safe, haha. :D

Tjassi said...

Oh, I love Kaleido! They have so many gorgeous things. <3

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